By Glen PhelanThe Rock Cycle: Minerals on the Move introduces students to an extraordinary world beneath their feet and at their fingertips—the world of rocks. Students learn that rocks come in all colors and patterns, depending on the minerals that make them up and on how the rocks formed. Students discover how to identify minerals using the minerals’ properties. They also gain an appreciation for the countless uses of minerals, from glass and cell phones to coins and zippers. Students then apply their knowledge of minerals to the exploration of rocks. They explore the processes that form the three main types of rocks—igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. They discover that, through the rock cycle, every kind of rock is on its way to becoming another kind of rock. By the time students are done with the book, they’ll be able to tell something interesting about every rock they see and feel and may never think of rocks the same way again. At the end of each two-page spread, a brief statement called The Bottom Line reinforces students’ understanding by summing up the key ideas about the rock cycle covered in those pages.
Lexile: 810L
ISBN: 978-1-933798-45-5