Solar System - 6 Book Set

Price: $36.00


The Inside Story of The Sun
The Inside Story of Earth
The Inside Story of The Moon
The Inside Story of Mars
The Inside Story of Jupiter
The Inside Story of Saturn

About the series

The Inside Story is our new Solar System Series. The wonders of space are endless, but some of the most intriguing places can be found right in our own solar system. This series brings to life the excitement of exploring our solar system's fascinating star, planets, and moons. Written by extraordinary science writers, with the editors of Sally Ride Science publishing, each book tells the story of what we know today and what we hope to learn in the future. The writing is so accessible, each book is hard to put down. The science is so fascinating and surprising it makes fiction seem dull. Each book contains dozens of full-color photographs and helpful illustrations.

For readers ages 9 and up.
Softcover - 7"x 9"
32 pages each

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